$ kubectl get pvc -n cassandra No resources found. KQ - kubernetes no storageclass found . A practical introduction to Kubernetes Persistent Volumes ... As mentioned in my first post, there are ways to get around this when dealing with Helm Charts, but we want this to be set default and stick. On a local machine where you have authorized access to the Kubernetes cluster, as described in Create a Kubernetes cluster, use the following commands to remove the CassandraDatacenter, the Cass Operator, and the storage class.The examples are for a GKE 1.16 environment in which the Cassandra 3.11.7 image was deployed. This page shows how to change the default Storage Class that is used to provision volumes for PersistentVolumeClaims that have no special requirements. YugabyteDB on OKE (Oracle Cloud Kubernetes) - The ... With Portworx, you can manage any database or stateful service on any infrastructure using any container scheduler. Run kubectl create -f pihole.yaml and we're all set! No resources found in default namespace. # kubectl get pvc NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE http-claim Bound vol 500Gi RWO,RWX 33h # kubectl get pv NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE vol 500Gi RWO,RWX Retain Bound default/http-claim 35h . in a namespace but not all the resources are listed using this command. root@dlp:~# kubectl get storageclass . kubectl auth can-i update storageclass yes Amend the storage class configuration after saving it to a local yaml file: $ kubectl get storageclass standard -o yaml > storagesize.yaml Edit the saved file and change the allowVolumeExpansion attribute to true, or add the attribute if it is not already present. C:\Users\user> The output should state that no resources (pods) are found because there are no applications running on your cluster. [vagrant@kmaster ~]$ kubectl get pv,pvc No resources found in default namespace. Inside the nfs-provisioning repo, there is a file "4-pvc-nfs.yaml". kubectl get all -n studytonight. 在github上看到的解决方案,github上讨论中有很多建议,试了一下最后面的一条建议,就直接奏效了,特此记录。 环境: VMware Fusion上安装的cenos7 To enable apps to request storage in a Kubernetes cluster without having to deal with . kubectl get pods -n <your-namespace> Here's an example of command usage: C:\Users\user>kubectl get pods -n "userns1" No resources found in userns1 namespace. Kubernetes Persistent Storage, StorageClasses use provisioners that are specific to the storage platform or cloud provider to give Kubernetes access to the physical media being Introduction A StorageClass provides a way for administrators to describe the "classes" of storage they offer. Portworx is a software defined persistent storage solution designed and purpose built for applications deployed as containers, via container orchestrators such as Kubernetes, Marathon and Swarm. With Kubernetes Persistent Volumes when a developer needs a certain amount of persistent storage for their application, they can request it from Kubernetes, the same way they can request CPU, memory, and other resources when creating a pod.. How Kubernetes Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim works. This makes Longhorn very easy to integrate in a Kubernetes cluster. #No Statefulset service available after "helm uninstall" $ kubectl get service NAME . there is no option to recreate/reinitialize your database if terminationPolicy is set to Delete . Different classes might map to quality-of-service levels, or to backup policies, or to arbitrary policies determined by the cluster administrators. It is a clustered block storage solution and provides a Cloud . Review the output of kubectl api-resources to determine if a resource is namespaced. $ kubectl get sts -n cassandra No resources found. $ kubectl get pods No resources found. kubectl get storageclass For production in DigitalOcean Kubernetes, you can use 22Gi (need to have 2 Gi spare space for overhead, since ERPNext will need pure 20 Gi). Different classes might map to quality-of-service levels, or to backup policies, or to arbitrary policies determined by the cluster administrators. Kubernetes storage class. From the above output, you can see that all mariadb resources are deleted. You will use the following YAML files. kubectl delete -f manifests/database. If no resources are found, it is clear that the Secret doesn't exist or it is not deployed in the right location. $ kubectl get pv No resources found. # kubectl get pv No resources found. I'm using kubernetes over Docker (Docker version 18.05.-ce, build f150324) on Azure machine The standard namespaces are kube-system and default, so try. Using kubectl get all. Specify a namespace and try it again. Create with kubectl create -f <filename> for example. Kubernetes Storage on vSphere 101 - StorageClass. $ kubectl get pvc NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE myvol Bound pvc-81c512af-91a9-11e8-b43d-74e6e266c8e1 4Gi RWO slow 17s Create the file pod.yaml which defines a deployment of type ReplicationController: . <none> 35s $ kubectl get pods -n cassandra No resources found. . In the first 101 post, we talked about persistent volumes (PVs), persistent volumes claims (PVCs) and PODs (a group of one or more containers). Also, we can look in the directory we allocated for Persistent Volumes and see there nothing there. $ kubectl config get-contexts CURRENT NAME CLUSTER AUTHINFO NAMESPACE * wcp: $ kubectl get virtualmachineclasses No resources found $ kubectl get virtualmachineclasses No resources found Using Portworx Shared Volumes. $ kubectl get sts,svc,secret,pvc -n demo No resources found in demo namespace. Let's define a Deployment manifest that should create one Pod . kubectl create -n <Name of namespace that you created> -f <Path to the deployment yaml> Here is a sample output of the following command: PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> kubectl get pods -n "myadstest" No resources found. Here are some examples of field selector queries: metadata.name=my-service metadata.namespace!=default status.phase=Pending This kubectl command selects all Pods for which the value of the status.phase field is Running: kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase=Running Note: Field . We'll have a look at it by deploying it to a Rancher k3s cluster and spinning up a Debian guest VM. It is a clustered block storage solution and provides a Cloud-Native layer from which containerized stateful . $ kubectl get pv No resources found. 解决kubectl get pods时 No resources found.问题 . This document describes the concept of a StorageClass in Kubernetes. ~ % kubectl delete pod oke-fsspod3 -n testing pod "oke-fsspod3" deleted ~ % kubectl delete pvc oke-fsspvc1 -n testing persistentvolumeclaim "oke-fsspvc1" deleted ~ % kubectl delete namespace testing namespace "testing" deleted ~ % kubectl delete pv oke-fsspv1 persistentvolume "oke-fsspv1" deleted velero % kubectl get pv No resources found Create Secrets. # kubectl get pvc NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE http-claim Bound vol 500Gi RWO,RWX 33h # kubectl get pv NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE vol 500Gi RWO,RWX Retain Bound default/http-claim 35h . This is especially useful for troubleshooting any issues. helm deletes the StorageClass even though helm install didn't create it. $ kubectl get pvc NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE mynginxclaim Bound csi-3377c8ba-7eac-43bf-be88-b604bb069f84 50Gi RWO oci-bv 3m53s $ kubectl get pv NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE csi-3377c8ba-7eac-43bf-be88-b604bb069f84 50Gi RWO Delete Bound default/mynginxclaim oci-bv 108s Prerequisites: Deployments, Volumes Instead of attaching a Persistent Volume directly to a Pod, we could attach a Persistent volume claim to a Pod, which in turn would search and bind with one of the available Persistent volumes that matches the requirements of the Claim. Solution: 今回は Pod 用の一時的なディスクとして利用可能な emptyDir とホスト (ノード . Let's verify that the resources are entirely removed: kubectl get all -n discover-weekly. Let's check the cluster's resources to verify that this is really happening. Using the kubectl get all command we can list down all the pods, services, statefulsets, etc. Take a look at the StorageClass definition for Portworx. # kubectl get storageclasses NAME PROVISIONER RECLAIMPOLICY VOLUMEBINDINGMODE ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION AGE storagegold csi.vsphere.vmware.com Delete Immediate true 6s. Uninstall examples. Familiarity with volumes and persistent volumes is suggested. Changing the reclaim policy. Check whether the tunnelfront or aks-link pod is running in the kube-system namespace using the kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system command. I'm using kubernetes over Docker (Docker version 18.05.-ce, build f150324) on Azure machine 事象 PVを落とし上げしているにもかかわらず $ kubectl delete apply -f pv.yaml persistentvolume "pv-1" deleted $ kubectl get pv No resources found in default namespace. Change the storageClassName in Custom Resource (CR) Change the storageClassName in the StatefulSet. It already existed in the cluster. > kubectl get pods -n csi-namespace No resources found in csi-resize-test namespace. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Explicit use of --namespace <value> overrides this behavior. Introduction A StorageClass provides a way for administrators to describe the "classes" of storage they offer. The second solution which I would recommend would be to use local-storage as your preferred storageClassName.. Ensure ports 22, 9000 and 1194 are open to connect to the API server. controlplane $ kubectl get sc No resources found in default namespace. 様々な種類が提供されており、クラウドサービスのボリュームもサポートされている。. This page contains a list of commonly used kubectl commands and flags. $ kubectl get pv NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE test-pv 1Gi RWO Retain Available local-storage 84s Persistent Volume claim After creating the persistent Volume claim, let us create a persistent volume claim for the test-pv which we have created in the previous step Types of Volumes. Now, create a new PVC from the test-claim.yaml file: If no resources are found, it is clear that the Secret doesn't exist or it is not deployed in the right location. > kubectl get pvc -n csi-namespace NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE postgredb-postgres-wl- Bound pvc-c22811a5-0650-4492-a7f0-0d21a4971c5a 1Gi RWO postgres-sc-csi-resize 15m While in the TKG Cluster, using a kubectl patch operation, we can set the Storage Class to be default. For example, if the variable is set to seattle, kubectl get pods would return pods in the seattle namespace. . area/installation stale. Copy link mxg1991 commented Jan 26, 2018 . Now, create a new PVC from the test-claim.yaml file: Field selectors let you select Kubernetes resources based on the value of one or more resource fields. . Events: Type Reason Age From Message Warning ProvisioningFailed 9s (x3 . You can check which resources are holding up the deletion and remove the finalizers and delete those resources. Portworx is a software defined persistent storage solution designed and purpose built for applications deployed as containers, via container orchestrators such as Kubernetes, Marathon and Swarm. Kubernetes では Volume を抽象化して Pod と疎結合なりソースとして定義している。. $ kubectl get storageClass . $ helm delete storageclass --purge $ kubectl get storageclass No resources found. In this approach, you do not need to create storage class but instead, you can use default local . In particular, we saw how with Kubernetes on vSphere, a persistent volume is essentially a VMDK (virtual machine disk) on a datastore. If you check on the various resources then the "statefulset", "services" and "storageclass" got deleted from the Kubernetes Cluster. Can manage any database or stateful service on any infrastructure using any Container.... Do not need to create storage class is do-block-storage cluster, and No namespace provided. Any database or stateful service on any infrastructure using any Container scheduler are pulled <. Whether the tunnelfront or aks-link Pod is running in the kube-system namespace the. Look at the StorageClass even though helm install didn & # x27 ; s verify that the resources deleted! Least two nodes that are not acting as nodes/node01 | grep -- color=always & quot ; storage. The cluster administrators in your cluster.kubectl get sc No resources found data layer. Until all images are pulled can also use a shorthand alias for kubectl that.... 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