WPML, qTranslate or Polylang - Which to Choose and Why? (2021) Polylang, by default, withdraws all the words that it believes should be translated and placed in Strings Translations. If you've purchased Polylang and have any questions or issues, please check the links below. Translating Courses with Polylang - Sensei LMS Before this plugin, Elementor did not show the correct language (translated) template. How to unlink translations? - Polylang August 20, 2018 at 9:57 am #2658801: Shekhar Bhandari . Hello! Polylang is a plugin to have your website in multilanguage as it lets users create translated versions of pages, posts, media, categories, tags, and also other custom post types and taxonomies. 3- Import the Polylang translations quickly. Below you will find documentation that the Polylang team created for using the Polylang plugin. The translation of a post, whether it is in the default language or not, is optional. Tools allows you to remove the Polylang data when you delete the plugin. We will first add your default language. Now, you can go ahead and translate your product into the other languages in the same way. You can use as many languages as you want. Translating posts and pages is however not mandatory. TranslatePress. So, I installed the plugin Polylang . My problem: I'm translating my website using Polylang but I'm having a hard time with custom strings translation. Installation. You can use as many languages as you want. Now we are going to add your languages. It also supports an option to detect a user's browser language and automatically use that language to translate WordPress pages on your site (if it's a translation you have available). Polylang comes with a list of more than 80 predefined languages, choose a language and click on the Add new language button at the bottom of the screen. For people how wants to remove the confusing 'all languages options page', they can use these filters: add_filter( 'bea.aofp.get_default', '__return_false' ); In order to remove the fallback feature for this generic option page if the field in the option page for a certain language is empty. Polylang's interface is very easy-to-use and familiar. The add-on supports more than 60 languages, as well as any other language that you wish to add yourself. Learn how to translate your wordpress website for free using the polylang plugin. But while these plugins make it easy to translate your content into another language, they usually require users to manually click a language switcher button to change to their preferred language. Please help. Learn more Building a WordPress website is more than about design. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please make sure to check your Polylang settings under the Settings > Languages > Settings tab. You should now have a new blank page, just fill in the translation and save! Click Import on the top toolbar. Embed the link to your map in a post and use e.g. You write posts, pages and create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them. Or what if you have audiences from seven different countries? Just go to "Plugins" in your WordPress admin panel, search for "Polylang", install and activate it. hello, i have a multilanguages woocommerce website and i couldn't find how to translate the chekout page i would like to know how to do it… Polylang is a freemium plugin to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress website. hello, i have a multilanguages woocommerce website and i couldn't find how to translate the chekout page i would like to know how to do it… It's good to now translate the taxonomies and product categories before beginning the basic translation. In this video, you will learn how to prepare your WooCommerce site for translation, configure the WooCommerce Multilingual plugin, and translate your store p. Or what if you have audiences from seven different countries? In your WP admin panel go to: Languages > Languages and add your first language. To translate the content of pages / posts, just create a translation (similar to creating a new post / page in WordPress) then connect it to the original version. Quoted from the Polylang doc: You can choose, thanks to the autocomplete input field, an already existing page as translation. To work with Polylang you will need to create a language version of each page. Awesome Support's pages contain shortcodes which provides their functionality. Activate the 'Polylang' and 'WPML to Polylang' plugins. The Polylang Pro plugin supports as many languages as you want. If you wish to migrate from WPML, you can use the plugin WPML to Polylang. For example, you can display the list of the five most recent French posts on an English page. Shows the correct Template (for different languages): Polylang Connect for Elementor allows Polylang to show the correct Elementor template to be displayed on the front end. Translate the categories using Excel or Google Sheets. After that, install & activate the Polylang plugin. 2. Complete a standard installation of all of the above-mentioned plugins, starting by installing and configuring Polylang and Loco Translate. Building a WordPress website is more than about design. . Since this feature is still in beta, you can use this same translation menu to report issues to Apple. We recommend naming two related templates differently (e. g., "Eng My Account Edit Account Endpoint Template" and "Deu My Account Edit Account Endpoint Template"), so it will . I won't start reviewing here but for a premium plugin, so far, I am very disappointed. The strings won't show up in the "Strings translation" menu in the WP dashboard. Q&A for work. We're writing a series of posts to help users get the most from some of WPML's common features. To translate the content of the website, you have to create the translation similar to creating a new post/page in WordPress. In order for Polylang to know what to translate, it is necessary to register the words that need to be translated. If you like, you can use an additional plugin called Lingotek Translation to help with that. Polylang was only missing the translation editor and it was even easier to translate when you could access easily the post between the different languages. Once you download the CSV containing your English categories (or any language you select), you need to apply some changes to the CSV file to translate the categories correctly. Now we're ready to import the Spanish translations of our posts. Polylang doesn't offer any walk-through guide or wizard to direct the users, but the documentation can help you get started. I just finished my first custom wordpress site, using my custom theme, and now, I was starting to translate the site, I need it to have 3 languages. Unfortunately, Polylang, the most popular free translation plugin doesn't offer a similar, on-the-fly, shortcode based translation feature. Polylang Slug - Lets you translate the URL slugs. PolyLang enables you to add languages to your WordPress website and also manage the translation process. Also in the sidebar menu, I was not able to translate the word "Menu" into arabic. tfatzler (@tfatzler) 3 years, 3 months ago Hello, Polylang does set the language of the theme based on the main query, but it is possible to query content in a different language. Polylang Pro is a multilingual plugin that translates and converts your website language into the preferred one. In the pages, I used Content Slider widget from Elementor and when i added the Arabic language, it was translating word by word and it was looking weird. If the theme you are using is compatible with Polylang plugin, each menu location will appear at least twice, depending on the number of languages that you have configured on your site. Teams. Deactive and delete 'WPML to Polylang' plugin. The will then turn in a . You can use as many languages as you want. Step 5. If you are using polylang plugin for language selection & you want to change the the texts in the custom files, then there is only one way to convert text in other languages in custom template files. If Safari can translate a web page for you, it will display a Translate button in the Smart Search field. It's about writing content that appeals to your target audience. You will notice the Polylang options for each page. The cool feature of Polylang is to link the posts/pages together, so Polylang can handle it as a translation. We'll look at posts, categories, and menus. Then, click the + icon for your chosen image. Website String Translation. Edit the content to assign a language. a WPML or Polylang language switcher widget to verify the results. If all checks are passed, you can click on the 'Import'. You can create a new translation by clicking on the icon. With the above out of the way, let's now look at the best WordPress multilingual plugins available out there and how well they deliver on our wishlist of features. Combined with the Polylang plugin, the Smartcat WordPress connector offers the easiest and most flexible way to translate your Wordpress pages and posts into any language in a few clicks. The way it handles translations of pages and the functionality it has in the free version is very impressive, and the Pro version even more so. What the Plugin Does. Edit your content (post, page, category, or tag…) Then thanks to the Polylang's language metabox, choose the relevant language and save your changes. You're all done. RTL language scripts are . 1. When I switch language to Arabic from the vendor shop page itself, it redirects to homepage instead. - Polylang How to unlink translations? . Polylang Pro: https://www.polylang.proThis video is a step by step guy on h. In this case, you'll either have to build multi-language sites (meaning manually rewrite … either manually or with a complete translation management system. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. It has features to translate WooCommerce products, taxonomies, attributes and custom fields to an unlimited number of different languages and display these translations to the customers. Much like WPML and qTranslate XT, Polylang makes it possible to translate your posts, pages, menus, widgets and more. For the Smartcat Translation Connector plugin to work, you need to install the Polylang plugin first. I tried the polylang plugin to translate my English default language to Arabic language. Configure Polylang to Work With . To add a blank page for translation by clicking the plus icon next to the language flag. Install Polylang Copy Content plugin. So I do that, and of course its not magically translated to Welsh. Go to Pages > Add New Choose the language in the dropdown list. Polylang for WooCommerce is the most powerful and intuitive WordPress plugin for translation purposes. Here's a look at how to translate each of the WordPress elements into other languages. Technically you do not translate a post or page but you create a new one (new ID). But what if a portion of your audience doesn't speak your native language? Polylang does not automatically translate content for you. You write posts, pages and create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them. It's quite popular among the WordPress and WooCommerce users who have international customers and visitors. RTL language scripts are . How can I translate page with polylang plugin? If you are using polylang plugin for language selection & you want to change the the texts in the custom files, then there is only one way to convert text in other languages in custom template files. As it's a taxonomy page, I can't create an Arabic copy of the page. BUT… this process does not translate a page. Clicking on the icon allows you to edit the translation. Your custom query just needs to add the 'lang' parameter. 2. Push the "+" button in the Translations section to create a template copy in the needed language.. Name the new template and publish it. But what if a portion of your audience doesn't speak your native language? Translation Interface. You can translate the website strings from Dashboard → Languages . Translating the content of Awesome Support's pages. Multilingual search results available for both AJAX results box and search results page. Polylang Free WordPress Plugin. If your language is not available in the predefined list, you can create it yourself. This will enable you to automatically copy the content to the new language posts (if using Gutenberg or other page builders which don't do this automatically). The author does not provide support on the wordpress.org forum. You can use as many languages as you want. You can do it all in the WordPress Editor interface (like the below image). But before that, you must enable Properties custom post type and Custom taxonomies in Polylang Settings. A flag icon is now displayed in the list tables for the pages, posts, taxonomies, media in the default language column. Weglot vs. Polylang. I followed several links to pages on your site, not one of them led to this page. 1 Posts bkristo0 posted this 09 October 2019 Hello, I am trying to make my page multilingual. 'lang' => 'fr', This 'lang' parameter is not only available for . Make sure it's set to 'The Language Is Set From The Code In The URL' option to make sure your Global Options settings work. Polylang plugin gives the option to make your site multilingual. You'll have a fully functional multistore so that your clients can buy in their native language on . To add images to your translated pages, go to the WPML » Media Translation page on your WordPress admin. Install & Activate the Polylang Plugin (free or Pro). Create a Translation from the Page Index Screen Similarly, we can create a page translation from . Enter the translation, tick the checkbox "Translation is complete" and finish by clicking the button "Save": That´s it. Weglot is also a great tool for translating your WordPress site, but sometimes all you need is a little help to point you in the right direction with the WPML plugin, which is what this post will do for WPML automatic translation. Support and extra features are available to Polylang Pro users. how each WordPress Multilingual plugin works. If you want to duplicate the page structure you'll need to take a few extra steps. Polylang allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. It is possible to add an unlimited number of languages and to translate the contents of your site ( articles, pages, categories, tags, widgets, menus, custom post types, taxonomies, URLs, etc.) Translating Posts . Trusted by 50,000+ websites, it's easy to use and compatible with all themes . I'm using "Polylang" plugin to translate my multilingual site to Arabic, it works properly with WC Marketplace except for the vendor shop page. First, you need to change the value on the Polylang: Language column from English into Español. Your translator must edit the Polylang Language column to be "Español". WPML is a complete WordPress translation system that allows you to translate pages, entries, all kinds of personalized publications, taxonomies, custom fields, plugins, menus and all the elements of your theme. November 19, 2015 To unlink translations, edit a post and delete the title of the post that you want to unlink in Languages metabox. To set the language, just choose it the dropdown list in the Languages box on the top right of the 'edit post' panel. In a previous post we took a look at, possibly, the most popular translation plugin for WordPress, WPML.Continuing on with our translation theme, today we'll take a look at the most popular free plugin currently on the WordPress plugin directory, Polylang. Lingotek provides the option to do machine translation of your content (up to 100,000 characters is free), or you can pay to have it professionally translated. Beyond enabling the Elementor post type in Polylang settings, plus assigning every post/page/template to a . Is it possible to do that with polylang plugin? The translation of a post, whether it is in the default language or not, is optional. From WPML to Polylang to Weglot, there are lots of great WordPress translation plugins to help you create a multilingual website. I've tried following your advice but it seems like the problem is that when I create the english version of the pages, polylang doesn't connect both the pages… the language is correct but no translation associated with pages but the pages exists! It says "All you need to do is to duplicate the page for the new language.". The other taxonomies work the same way. Under Languages, add original language; Set existing posts and pages to default language Translating posts or pages | Polylang Translating posts or pages It is very important to set the language for all existing posts and pages, otherwise they won't be displayed. Multilingual Press Free WordPress Plugin. Translate menus Menus can be translated in Dashboard->Appearance->Menus. Translate the page using Polylang and make sure the translation has the [donation_history] shortcode too When creating multilingual sites, Polylang is my plugin of choice. Free version with limited compatiblity (no WooCommerce, ACF pro, The Events Calendar…) Weglot is the best WordPress multilingual plugin to translate and display your website in different languages. Polylang allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. Polylang will automatically link the new page you create to this source page as its translation. However, this prompted me to try to create the solution myself, and it didn't seem like an impossible mission at all. 4. Polylang allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. To do so simply search for "Language Switcher" in the search form of the block editor in your Appearance tab > Widgets sub-tab. (Don't create any languages from the 'Polylang') Go to the 'Tools > WPML Importer' from admin panel menu. For SEO benefits, the Polylang free version also translate slugs. Polylang is another free plugin that allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. Info & Download View The Demo. Translation interface: front-end. It supports both manual and automatic translation, a. Go to Languages in your WordPress menu and click Settings: First click on Custom post custom types and Taxonomies and put a checkmark […] Properties like Pages and Posts should be translated as well, manually, one by one. If you can't see this option, ensure your permalinks are set to default. You write posts, pages and create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them. Translating the Awesome Support pages in each language When the Awesome Support plugin is activated it will create two pages. Step 1 - Navigate to Dashboard > Pages and check the right side of the pages list. Then you will be able to edit the template in the Elementor page editor. Is it possible to do that with polylang plugin? Important: I don't know much about PHP so the pll_register_string function is very confusing for me. It's about writing content that appeals to your target audience. 3. You can then click on Translate Site which will load your homepage by default. Polylang allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. I am trying to translate a page using Polylang with Sensible pro 2.0 but the thing is it is the front page and if using Polylang I have to create a new page over again and it happens that I can't make a carousel like the front page one. Start by duplicating the current page. Once the page loads, you can click Translate page from the top admin bar. If you wish to use a professional or automatic translation service, you can install Lingotek Translation, as an addon of Polylang. Go to the 'Plugins > Installed Plugins'. You can translate a page in Microsoft Edge using Translate for Microsoft Edge, which . The translation interface is very simple and easy-to-use. WooCommerce Language Translation plugin - Polylang Pro. The translation of a post, whether it is in the default language or not, is optional. How To Translate a Website in Microsoft Edge. With Polylang Pro you have the possibility to add a language switcher in the new widget block editor introduced in WordPress 5.8. All string translations that are contained in these shortcodes are handled through PO/MO files. By default, when you translate an existing page with the Polylang plugin, you start from a blank page, but that's without counting the excellent tip from Fabrice Esquirol which allows you to copy all the existing content from the original language to the new element. Polylang: Translate Awesome Support Page Contents. But, I don't know why, when this plugin is active, my home page that is a custom page (page-home.php) is not being considered the homepage anymore. Click on the icon of the block, it will add it to the main blocks list (central . . Translating your WordPress website. Hi. You write posts, pages and create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them. when I use Polylang, I must make a new page to translate an existing one, this will duplicate all pages for each language, but for the product page I cannot duplicate it because the SKU must be unique also the tags I cannot use the same word for the two languages… Method One - Translate Page. It allows you to translate each product, category, tag, attribute, option and custom fields individually via integration with WooCommerce. The translation of a post, whether it is in the default language or not, is optional. You can translate posts, pages, menus, etc. Full disclosure: WPML is a great WordPress translation plugin. In case you have the admin bar disabled, you'll need to add your page to your main menu by going to Appearance > Menu. There are times that the Polylang plugin will not create the clone page for you, so you will have to create it manually, and assigned it as a translation of . You can create a different menu for another language or use the same on all languages. Best WordPress Multilingual Plugin: TranslatePress vs WPML vs Polylang vs GTranslate. With a 4.7 out of 5-star user rating, Polylang is another popular choice for anyone seeking a free way to manage content in multiple languages on their WordPress website. In our example, existing pages are in English (Default language). Depending on the order that you added languages and activated the Awesome Support plugin, the Awesome Support pages may give […] To import the Spanish translations of your posts: Open the spreadsheet in Spanish. The pen icon will turn to a plus sign. It would be a good idea you add a link to it in the page I mention! Each page is shown with the flag of the language that is assigned to that page. 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